Design Philosophy

Design should be used as a tool to better serve environmental surroundings. To create something with both aesthetic appeal and ease of use. The world and how I see it is all the inspiration I need. While in a new environment I find myself analyzing my surroundings finding and criticizing what could be changed about the space and what works. I hope to be apart of a successful design firm and eventually open my own practice some day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Habitat Experience

I volunteered for Habitat for Humanity on Saturday September 28th, 2013. It was such an incredible learning opportunity. When I first arrived with my group we were less than excited to work in the rain, but it ended up being one of my favorite service trips I've done in my college career. At the site, we framed, sheathed, and erected the exterior walls of the house.  A group of people from my Interior Design studio and I helped put the exterior walls of the house together, manually nailing them and then put a protective layer to prevent molding once the house is finished. After doing this we lifted the walls up and helped put them in place, we got to help put up the skeleton of the house which started to give the site more of a perspective in regards to the final product. Putting the walls up and together there was quite a bit of hammering to be done, needless to say I jammed my fingers a few times but I got the hang of it by the end and felt like a real pro! We also got to meet the owner of the house and her children, it was so touching to see the lives of the people we were directly helping.
Putting up one of the exterior walls

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