Design Philosophy

Design should be used as a tool to better serve environmental surroundings. To create something with both aesthetic appeal and ease of use. The world and how I see it is all the inspiration I need. While in a new environment I find myself analyzing my surroundings finding and criticizing what could be changed about the space and what works. I hope to be apart of a successful design firm and eventually open my own practice some day.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sketch Journals

The progression of the notes is prominent through my sketch notes over the semester. I appreciated the earlier ones that concentrated on the basics of drawing and enjoyed how each assignment introduced a new skill. My sketch notes show my strengths and weaknesses. I believe my strengths in sketching are shading and still drawings, and my weaknesses are definitely the 2d and 3d perspectives. My favorite sketch that I did this semester was the fruit/crosshatching sketch- I believe it illustrates my strengths the best.

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