Design Philosophy

Design should be used as a tool to better serve environmental surroundings. To create something with both aesthetic appeal and ease of use. The world and how I see it is all the inspiration I need. While in a new environment I find myself analyzing my surroundings finding and criticizing what could be changed about the space and what works. I hope to be apart of a successful design firm and eventually open my own practice some day.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ride, Don't Walk

There was a recent assignment in class, where we were paired with a partner to do everyday tasks in a wheelchair. The purpose is to put ourselves into the shoes of our client for our semester project where we are designing a residential space for a couple, with the husband in a chair. Through this assignment I came to the realization of how privileged I am to have a set of legs.

You don't realize how everyday tasks are more difficult to perform in a chair. First of all, moving through a commercial space in a chair, not all buildings are 100% ADA accessible. ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act. I found it hard to maneuver myself through hallways, I felt out of control while trying to safely roll down a hill. I also found it difficult to reach on top of counters and wheel myself through doorways. The most astonishing discovery I made was how difficult it was to wheel into a handicap stall of a bathroom. It was frustrating that I could barely make it in the stall without squishing my hands and I found it to be a challenge to turn around to exit the stall as well.
Over all this experience has given me a new appreciation for my independent mobility provided to me through my legs.