Design Philosophy

Design should be used as a tool to better serve environmental surroundings. To create something with both aesthetic appeal and ease of use. The world and how I see it is all the inspiration I need. While in a new environment I find myself analyzing my surroundings finding and criticizing what could be changed about the space and what works. I hope to be apart of a successful design firm and eventually open my own practice some day.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Blog Entry One: Home

When I think of home many things come to mind. Whether it means thinking of my family and my pets or the physical space that I think of and the many photos that are scattered sporadically throughout my house. I think of the smells and aroma that drifts from my mother cooking in the kitchen.

But when it comes down to it; home to me mainly visual. Visually this is my big bedroom window that sits at the front and center of my house.  It is what I identify with home visually when I drive home from every break at Washington State. There are so many memories that I have looking out and into my window.